Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Why We Need to Be Careful Who We Label a “Real” Dom or Sub ....

Can a submissive or Dominant be good? Yes. Can they be right for you? Maybe. What about “real” Doms or subs?
Well, that’s where it gets problematic.
Let’s get one thing straight: yes, there can be people who fake being a Dominant or a submissive to get something, to use someone, or to get themselves off while offering nothing in return. Yep to all of that. But we have language for that — abusers, wannabes, posers, assholes.
When the term “real” gets used, it’s usually to negate another person’s experience with D/s. How many times have you seen someone go on a rant about what a “real” Dominant will do or how a “real” submissive behaves? Have you ever thought, “But I do that?” I know I have.
We’ve been told we can’t be “real” many times over the years because I’m too opinionated to be a submissive and John Brownstone isn’t enough of an asshole to be a Dominant. (Insert eye roll here.)
I think we need to differentiate between “real” and “good.”

We All Do Things Differently

There are some kinks and some power exchanges that I just don’t get. When I hear about them, it’s a bit like hearing a foreign language. I recognize what’s being said as words but they hold no meaning for me. Does that mean that the D/s relationship is somehow less real than mine? Of course not! If we say (as John Brownstone and I do) that all you need are consent and communication, then the rest doesn’t really matter. Yes, even when the things being done offend our senses and scare the hell out of us.
And yes, I’ve seen some questionable behavior, especially from Twitter Doms who tend to fall in the wannabe category. They throw up red flags left and right, and sadly, someone will (eventually) fall for it. Yes, we need to continue to talk about why some behavior isn’t okay but we need to be careful how we label things we don’t agree with.

We Can’t Always Be On 24/7

Sometimes John Brownstone has zero head space to make a decision, and sometimes I love being in charge. Does that somehow mean we’re less Dominant or submissive in those moments? Of course not. Being a Dom or sub isn’t a costume we put on or take off at will; we’re always who we are. But that doesn’t mean we’re in the role every moment of every day. Just because I make a decision (and he lets me) doesn’t make us less of who we are.

Your Definitions Only Fit You

I get why some people really hate labels in BDSM. It’s because once a label is applied, it becomes almost a definitional prison. If you don’t conform to a specific definition, you’re doing it “wrong” and you don’t belong. The thing most people forget is that just because something is wrong for you doesn’t mean it’s wrong for someone else. Define your D/s on your terms and let others define it on theirs.

Struggling is Not a Sign of Failure

I’ve been called a “natural submissive” which on one level seems to fit me and on another level I find problematic. Partly because I’m not even sure what it means, and two, it seems like it excludes others. And whatever that term means, we all struggle with our Dom or sub self at some point, a little or a lot. Maybe only in the beginning or maybe all the time, but the struggle is real and normal. Outside of new relationship energy (NRE), it’s not uncommon for submissive's to have a moment when they really don’t want to do that thing for their Dom.  And yes, sometimes a Dom wouldn’t mind if they could just not make a decision for a minute. When that happens, you’re no less “real” than the next kinkster.
What works for you won’t work for someone else, but that doesn’t negate the reality of whatever you feel yourself to be. As a community, we need to be careful about who we label as real or authentic. When we see bad behavior, call it out. When we don’t understand something, ask questions. But I personally don’t feel qualified to decide who’s real or not in D/s, although I might definitely have an opinion on good versus bad behavior. And I’m sure most others aren’t qualified, either.


Love This .......

                      This is so True .........


A Smile For Today .....



Monday Sentiments ......


because some friends who have 'disappeared' from my life have been on my mind

Friday, May 3, 2019

Sir's Commandments ....

My First Commandment: Self Care
 "What does that mean?" I am often asked. Self Care is The Most Important of my Commandments, it is the key to true happiness in life, it means, Give To You. Be generous to You, DO well For You, Eat well For You, Do little nice things just for You, Take best care of your beautiful body, Be Tender with You and your precious heart, Reward You, be Master of your Sex, Satisfy your needs, Indulge For You, in whatever it is you need that's healthy and good for you. Be Positive and an expression of You and who you are, and how you feel about being a Positive person in this world. Self Care, without a doubt, the most important Commandment.

My Second Commandment: Per Amore , For Love...

Those magical forever words, Live your life For Love, Act For Love, Be Strong, For Love, Resist and Respect temptation, For Love...do it all, every little thing you ever can, Per Amore, For Love

My Third Commandment: Stand Tall, 👨

 Live your life with Maximum Integrity at all times, Make your Morals your pillars, Do Not Choose to be Morally Wrong in your actions and life choices, hard as that may be at times, and you will never have to live a life filled with guilt and regret.

My Fourth Commandment: Forever Mine,  💯

 Once Made a Miss Under My Hand, forever and always will that Miss have my graces, and may call upon me in her moment of need, and I shall be there, and appear upon my white horse, as I once was in her eyes, one more time to save her and help her thru a problem, and then, again I shall retreat into memories, forever shall I remain a Beautiful Ghost for her perhaps.

My Fifth Commandment: There is no Tomorrow. Live and Love for Today. 

  Do It Now, There truly is no promise that you'll Ever have another chance...This Commandment has been learned thru my hardest pains, Heed it, Please, for one thing you will regret most is making the mistake that there is forever in which to do something, to take action, that things will wait for you, while the chance to do so Today is passing you by...Do Not Wait, Act now 😢

My Sixth Commandment: Let Go for Now, Don't Hold Onto whats Gone.

Remember those who walk away, never intended to stay. Let them go and Save Yourself, because for all the love you may have for them, if they will not return that love to you, no matter your ardent attempts to allow them to find their own way to do as such, no matter your concessions given to Only them, if in the end you cannot help them to that place of shared respect, shared wants and needs, then you must turn from that love, and search for one that will give and take the love you both share, and if those that you cannot help to express love choose to stab you in the back, have already put themselves far behind you 💔

My Seventh Commandment: Balance.  ⚖

Expect and demand back what you give to your Relationship and Partner, Balance is essential to a healthy relationship of any kind, and requires equal effort from the couple as individuals and as a whole, no matter if you are the Dominant or the submissive, it requires Equal Effort. 💯

My Eighth Commandment: Know Your Limits
 Spread Your Wings, but Don't spread yourself too far.

My Ninth Commandment: Self Pride.  👨👩

Stand Tall as a Mountain, and Be Proud of You for what you have done in your life, of who you are or who you are becoming. This is Not arrogance, this is not to Up your own stock, this is the basis of You..of What you stand for and how you express that in your life every single second, every single breath. This is Never to be little another, But, if you have lived your life with the Third Commandment in the forefront, you can walk tall thru any flames, and no matter the attacks that come, you can be proud of yourself, your actions taken in life, and How you approach your life, and allow others to be part of your life. Respect is to be Earned,  and those that expect it to be Given should learn fast and hard that is not the case.

My Tenth Commandment. Don't be a Fool,  Don't walk away, 

 from something you wish to keep for yourself, because by the time you turn around someone else will have kept it for themselves.

My Eleventh Commandment. Believe in Tomorrow.  👑 

  When you look ahead in life, you may as well look towards something beautiful. If you only picture a dark and dreary life and world around you, your entire understanding of the world becomes tainted and will surely corrupt and remove Many chances for positive things to happen, Choose a Happy and fulfilled tomorrow for you and your partner.

My Twelfth Commandment: Self Sacrifice for Your Love.   ðŸ‘¨ðŸ‘©

  In Love, one must be willing to give as much to that love as they do unto themselves, if not more at times, and to be selfless in that act, the lens and its focus must be removed from ones own life, and made to see the life of that shared world made between two loving hearts to be something of greatest value, it cant be a struggle to do that, it cant live as a regret for long, but more so the opposite, its to be given with joy, knowing that, what is given, shall be returned many many times to come from that one special person you trust with such investment and belief, and you are Investing in Love and Your life by doing this, it cant be one sided though, that never works, and it is the responsibility of both partners to remember and indulge the romantic hearts within them with the knowledge that the word We is as important as the word Me.  👫

A Friend asks:"You make it sound so simple. Is it?" ❗❗❗

"Yes...it truly is, you first Stop, stop being afraid, stop worrying, stop fearing what might happen, cuz that brain of ours will make a million possibilities that could or couldn't happen, Start believing that it will come, it's all out there, of course, and you are no less meant to have that than anyone else, and so, Belief becomes both your sword and your shield...and from there on, you become a crusader for your own heart, and the hearts of others who believe as well...and then, one day, there's a guy on a big white horse standing in front of you with his hand extended asking you to go on a grand adventure with him...and that's how it happens, its just that simple.  ✔✔✔

Sometimes, I read my own words, and I am pleased with whom I grew up to be ✔✔✔ The First Commandment...Self Care. ~Me 👨              Used with permission.

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