Submissive Training Course
Yellow Day 09/30
Your Wise Words

What you will need to complete today ?
Paper for Art
She whispered to her Dominant
--- I'm afraid of falling
Her Dominant smiled and whispered
--- I'll catch you
The submissive radiates from the Dominant's love and devotion,
becoming a rose; a beautiful being that knows they are loved and
cared for.
If my Dominant is lost, I'll find Him. I'll lead Him back to Himself,
because to serve doesn't always mean to follow.
Today get your own wise words and let's make a special sign for
your bedroom wall or even just a page in your journal that looks like
a photo frame and inside put in your wise words.
A truly submissive woman is to be treasured, cherished and
protected for it is only she who can give a man the gift of her submission.
Refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.
No matter where you are in your submissive journey, whether it is
beginning days into your discovery of submission or years of being an
experienced submissive, there is always something that we can all
learn from others.
A Dominant completes, but never tries to alter. He must be able to
see what is there, not what is missing. He receives, but never takes.
Commands respect, but never fear, has pride, but never arrogance.
If a Dominant is the center of a submissive's world, it is because she
thinks so, not because He does. No one is respected, let alone obeyed.
He'll pick on you to see you smile but won't say a thing to make you cry.
He'll brush the hair out of your eyes; stare at you during the movies,
even though he paid money to see it. He'll call to say goodnight or just
because he is thinking of you. He'll look in your eyes and tell you, you're
In your exploration you have probably come across bits of information,
quotes and inspiration that have touched you at your core, that call to your
submissive nature and that you continue to think about long after that
information has passed your view.
Inspiration is the key for today's work.
Spend some time today thinking about the advice you have been given
from others about life in general, living as a submissive or searching for a
1.) How has it helped you grow and why does that advice keep coming back to you
Today's to do list :
1.) Make your own wise words art as stated above and place it in your art section of
your file.
2.) Answer the above question and write about this in your discussion section.
3.) Tell your Dominant what wonderful wise words have been passed to you that
love to pass on and put in your discussion section.
4.) show your Dominant your art work and wise words.
5.) Send your Dominant a photo of you holding your wise words.
Master Jamy
Wise Words Day 09/30
Here are my wise words that I have chosen for my Dominant.
Life is a Song - - - - - - - - - - - - Sing it.
Life is a Game - - - - - - - - - - - Play it.
Life is a Challenge - - - - - - - - Meet it.
Life is a Dream - - - - - - - - - - - Realize it.
Life is a Sacrifice - - - - - - - - - Offer it.
Life is Love - - - - - - - - - - - - - Enjoy it.
by Sai Baba.
Everything good comes to those who wait patiently.
from my Dad.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
by Mahatma Gandhi.
Discussion Wise Words Day 09/30 Yellow
How has these wise words helped me grow and why does that advice
keep coming back to you ?
These wise words have helped me grow not only as a young girl into
becoming an adult. They have served me well with advice that life is not
as we dream of. It can be a cruel world if you let it get to you. When you
listen to the birds you hear the songs. Your life can be a challenge, some
times you have to fight to get to where you want to be. Life is not a game,
and if you play it as a game you will loose, cuz you should never gamble
with you life, God has chosen the way your life is supposed to be. But
there are times we try and chose for ourselves and take the wrong road
or even chose they people in our lives.
I didn't choose this life of submissive, it's been there all my life. I've
always wanted to be of service to others. And there has always been
this desire to serve the man I loved. I have tried in my life to fight it and
not let it rule me. But I would still end up with a domineering male, and
not always Dominant, and that is how I ended up in abusive relationships.
Well I waited long enough in life and when I heard the words of Gandhi,
those words rang out to me..... The best way to find yourself is lose yourself
in the service of others. ...... So after I was rescued by a Master and His
submissive (Nurse). they took me under their wings, let me heal, and then
sent me to school. And school showed me exactly who and what I was....
Now take being a submissive, she loves to serve not only others but
to serve One Dominant. My choice is a Male Dominant.And then by the
words of Sai Baba :
Life is a song ---- sing it ---- Love Bites (Def Leppard)
Life is a game --- play it ---- All Night Long (another song)
Life is a challenge --- meet it --- Our Ups & downs & Heartbreaks.
Life is a dream --- realize it --- We have dreams to work towards. Goals.
Life is a sacrifice --- offer it --- Here find your Dominant & Submission.
Life is Love --- enjoy it --- Maybe now I can..
Yes life is all of these things and when you finally find what your
looking for with going through your trials and errors, you finally come to a
new fork in the road and you take it. For me I keep looking for that one
true dominant that can teach me all about me, where I can freely give
Him my Submission and become who I am supposed to be. The best
that I can be.
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