Saturday, September 16, 2017

My Submissive Plants.

                                        My submissive plants for this week 🌷🌷🌷🌷

                              I don't have too much to say about my plants, except that they
                                                      are growing very healthy
                                                         take a look at them !!!

Look the new shoot is finally poking over the top of the vase, by next week
it should be showing itself higher above the top of the vase
and I love the design on the new shoot. 

These are the seedlings from the lemon seeds. I transplanted them into
a bigger planter, so they can grow bigger and stronger.

This poor little seedling is the only one so far the sprouted through the
earth, I transplanted it into a small planter so it can grow.
This was the only orange seed that sprouted.

And then there is this crazy plant that seems to like the outdoors
and the cooler air these days. Yes Fall has started with
cooler days and nights, leaves changing colors
and a light morning dew on the grass
in the mornings.

I will miss the warmth of the summer sun and fall is a nice season too.


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