My Submissive Journey
Week of September 21st to 27th, 2017
These are my thoughts :
As a submissive I have become very close to a few of my sister
submissive's and it has been a trying week for me, as one or two have been
upset and sad, something is bothering them and I have tried to reach out to
see if I could help. They are both so sweet and I love them as my own real
sisters. Social media can be so cruel at times and there is so much negative
things on it. And it makes it hard for us submissive's to stay focused on our
submission. I feel that all the sister/brother submissive's by sharing and
chatting we grow stronger in our submissive submission, and I feel when you
isolate yourself away from your sister/brother submissive's it's not good or
healthy. Well that is this submissive's thoughts and feelings ........

The rest of my week I focused more on my lessons and thinking about
my submission. I studied about Evolution as a submissive and
how much I have grown. Then I had to write out my needs and
wants and even do a craft about them. That was so much
fun to do......take a look at what I made for my
needs and wants craft......
It has been a very interesting week with the lessons, it was
educational & good for my submission and I recieved
my 4th proud & I did my 2nd Button . I
have not been doing my star & button pages as
they were intended to be done, but next course
I will do them as I earn the stars and buttons.
So far unsure if I received my 5th star,,,,,,,
I started making a submissive pouting doll, that is always in the
corner or watching over my submissive plants. I want to
make a set of three and this was my first one......
Say hi to submissive ** little girl ** .
Bye for now and hope to see you next week 💋💋💋💋
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