Friday, June 9, 2017

Research From The D List....


                 Dacryphilia  (also known as dacrylagnia ) is a form of paraphilia in which one is
                 aroused by tears or sobbing.

                The term covers all forms of pleasure from the tears of others. The arousal is
                achieved when viewing a person in emotional distress. It carries the theme where
                a person ( often a Top in a BDSM relationship ) induces another ( the bottom) to
                cry, or otherwise show a strong emotion.

Dacryphilia may for a form of humiliation in the "pain/restriction/servitude/
humiliation" spectrum of BDSM; for example, a Dominant may verbally abuse
the submissive in order to elicit a tearful response. In contrast, a Dominant may
instead physically torture the submissive to draw tears in a pain scene. In this
way, dacryphiliia is a form of sadism. A Sensual Dom or Dominatrix may instead
choose to illicit tears by making the submissive feel safe enough to become 
emotionally vulnerable.

The psychological aspects of dacryphilia are that the causative entity displays the
power to control the psychological response from the receiver. This form of
power-play therefore brings pleasure, and for some, sexual arousal.
Passive dacryphilia involves a third party who also achieves pleasure in watching
someone in emotional distress, usually caused by the scening Dominant,
though the reason does not restrict the pleasure -- a person may enjoy the tears
of others, whatever the cause.

Dacryphilia is not limited to BDSM and may be experienced by those who
do not consider themselves a Dominant or submissive. They may be 
turned on when their partner cries during a movie or form the normal 
emotional vulnerability and strong feelings of love that may make
a partner cry during intercourse.

Dacryphilia is sometimes used to express the pleasure experienced through one's
own tears, often as an emotional release.

A dacryphilia is someone who gets sexually aroused from watching other people cry.



Dollification is the process of evolving, both mentally and physically, into a 
doll-like state, like a living doll.

The submissive would take the role of the doll and the Dominant would take
the role of the doll's owner, The doll would be totally subservient to the owner.

The physical elements of this kind of play would involve the doll being 
dressed as a type of doll, whether a traditional doll (which would be similar
to the sissy fetish), or like a Barbie doll, for example.

Individuals who desire this process-as well as those who are in the midst of the process 
or have already achieved an end result-may be described as "dolls", and most 
desire as well to be owned. The parties involved in dollification are referred to as
"Owner" and "doll"; this is comparable to a Master/slave or Dom/sub relationship.

Mental traits of a doll include but are not limited to : enjoyment of objectification
and natural subservience, the underlying will to be transformed through one's own
and/ or outside forces into a living doll, ultimately, the capacity to feel/see
oneself in a dollific manner, which the doll will continuously strive to 
achieve and/or improve.

While not all who possess these innate qualities will embrace them, it will
not change that  it is part of who they are by nature.

Physical traits of a doll-in process or complete-include but are not limited to: 
corsets, stiletto heels, thigh highs/stockings, rubber/vinyl/plastic suits, dresses, skirts,
 makeup, etc.... along with all other body modifications. Long hair to a shaved head.
A-cup to DD (and larger), any height, clothed or not, still to feisty-the physical
traits are all relative to each individual doll and its own fit into the 
relationship with dollification. 

Ultimately the ideal physical aspect of the doll is set forth by the doll itself,
an Owner, or a combination of both.

Note: It is important to realize that there is no intention here to degrade or diminish
the doll-particularly, as it may appear to some, in comparison with the Owner. This 
is a symbolic relationship: Yin and Yang. Those who are familiar with M/s or D/s
relationships are aware of the innate equality of such relationships, paradoxical
though it may seem.


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