April 30 ---- May 4th
This week I find it hard to focus on my
submission, I feel like I'm sliding away.
I have four submissive friends that do help
me with all the things going on.
My submission with Sir Imran is hard for me
to focus on being a submissive. I have not
ha a video call from Master and things
between us just feel different. I want
instruction fro my Master, but He is not into
training or instructing me. I know He care for
me or why would He requested for me to
come back to Him.
I'm not able to have choices or give my opinion.
Every time I try , I'm told to stop being insolent
and to submit and obey.
He calls me a cunt, every day, in every text or
message, even through Facebook messages. It
feels like it is eating at my submissive spirit and
I feel like I'm slowly dying.
Submission I find lately is hard and it is so much
differently that what I was taught.
I was taught that it was about TRUST,
Trusting your Master to be able to take
you to new heights but to never hurt or
push beyond your limits.
I was taught that it was about
RESPECT. Respect goes both ways in
the relationship.
It is hard to trust each other if you
don't have respect for your submissive
or even your Master.

Yes the picture is correct !!!!
In submission there is supposed to be
freedom for the submissive.
While in Domination there is supposed to be
responsibility towards the submissive.
But in all of that, there is to be LOVE.

The Master says come take my hand
and I will lead you, instruct you, guide
you. I will discipline you also and I will
Honor, Trust, Respect, Love, and with
open communication.
This has just been a hard week for me
as a submissive that is loosing herself
in depression that her Master does not
try at all to get to know what she like,
or dislikes.
I have been with my Master for just
over a year now and in all that time
we know hardly nothing about each
other and every question I ask is never
answered. He gave me one new insight
into this D/s relationship of ours that I am
Nothing else matters.....you are my cunt and your here for my pleasure
and for you to give me what I want. Clear, Cunt !!
Yes Master, that is clear...............
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